SOAR: Autonomous Improvement of Instruction Following Skills via Foundation Models

UC Berkeley
*Equal contribution


The standard paradigm for improving instruction following policies involves manually collecting additional robot data, labelling it with language instructions, and then finetuning the policy on this data. This process is expensive, and hard to scale up without huge human effort. Can we instead deploy robot fleets to collect large-scale datasets without human supervision, and use that data to self-improve the policy?

We propose a particular formulation of an autonomous improvement loop, which we call SOAR, that enables self-improvement of a multi-task language-conditioned policy. The key ideas are:

  1. Use VLMs and diffusion models to help guide large-scale autonomous data collection.
  2. Decouple language understanding from robotic control, so semantic understanding benefits from internet-scale pre-training and low-level control improve with self-supervision.

SOAR decouples a language-conditioned policy into an image-goal conditioned policy and a language-conditioned image subgoal generator. The benefit of such a formulation is that any autonomously collected data can be used to improve the policy with an entirely self-supervised learning algorithm, namely hindsight-relabeled goal-conditioned learning.

Autonomous data collection can then build off of the Internet-scale knowledge stored in VLMs and diffusion models. VLMs can be used as task proposers to guide the policy towards semantically interesting goals, and can automate the success detection of autonomously collected trajectories. Diffusion models can be used to synthesize interesting and diverse image goals from the semantic goals generated by the VLM. Both of these components help guide data collection towards interesting yet diverse tasks.

System Diagram

Putting these components together, SOAR becomes an end-to-end system for autonomous improvement. We deployed SOAR on a fleet of 5 WidowX robots, enabling the collection of over 30,000 autonomous trajectories across more than 50 scenes within just a few weeks, and evaluated its ability to achieve a 2x improvement in multiple language skills across 10 test scenes.

After running SOAR, the policy succeeds at tasks where it once failed.

Time lapse videos of autonomous data collection. Generated subgoal images during data collection are depicted in the top right

Reformulating Language-Conditioned Control

We decompose SOAR's instruction-following policy into an image-goal conditioned policy and SuSIE, an InstructPix2Pix-style language-conditioned image-editing diffusion model. Language task commands from the VLM are converted into subgoal images with the diffusion model, after which the goal conditioned policy is rolled out for a fixed number of timesteps. Then, a new subgoal is generated with the same language instruction, and the process repeats until the end of the trajectory.

In the context of autonomous improvement, such a formulation is very useful. Semantics are separated from motor skills, allowing the former to leverage cheap Internet-data and the latter cheap autonomously collected robot data. Goal-conditioned learning utilizes a denser learning signal than language-conditioned learning, and can better leverage suboptimal autonomous data. And the goal conditioned policy can be trained with a purely self-supervised objective, in contrast to a direct language conditioned policy, which would require a separate model to hindsight relabel autonomous trajectories with the ground truth language.

Improvement Results

Decomposed Instruction Following Policy

To evaluate the improvement capabilities of SOAR, we test the system on 10 different scenes, evaluating its ability to autonomously collect semantically relevant data and then learn from it. Improvement reflects the effectiveness of both the learning and data collection procedures; if data relevant to the skills being tested has not been collected, improvement will not occur. We find that SOAR enables ,on average, a a 2x improvement in multiple language skills across each of the 10 scenes.

Decomposed Instruction Following Policy

We observe that more autonomous data leads to better improvement. Training a single generalist policy on all the autonomously collected data across the 10 test scenes boosts the average success rate from 58% to 65%. We then investigate whether the decomposed, language-conditioned policy, GCBC+SuSIE, is truly necessary. To explore this, we compare it with a direct language-conditioned behavior cloning (LCBC) policy, trained on the same autonomous data collected by GCBC+SuSIE. While LCBC also improves performance, the decomposed policy in SOAR achieves much better results (65% vs 28%). We attribute this to goal-conditioned learning's ability to turn suboptimal autonomous trajectories into optimal objectives for reaching hindsight goals.

Autonomous Data Quality

Left: LCBC data collection. Right: SOAR's GCBC + SuSIE data collection

The quality of the collected autonomous data bounds the magnitude of improvement achievable. The above side-by-side video depicts a data collection run with LCBC as the instruction following policy compared against the GCBC + SuSIE policy used in SOAR. On this slightly out-of-distribution environment, some of the objects present like the purple eggplant and lemon were not seen in the pre-training dataset Bridge V2, and so LCBC is unable to ground language instructions containing these objects, leading to minimal interactions with them. In contrast, the data collected by GCBC + SuSIE exhibits significantly more meaningful interactions. This can be attributed to the high degree of generalizability of the decomposed language-conditioned policy: the low-level policy generalizing to novel goal images is more robust than generalizing to un-grounded language instructions, and the high-level image-generation generalizes well thanks to its Internet pre-training.


Decomposed Instruction Following Policy
We also release as a secondary contribution the autonomous dataset collected by our deployment of SOAR. This dataset, SOAR-Data, consists of more than 30,000 trajectories (3M transitions) collected with over 50 different sets of objects across 5 different table top setups. Each trajectory in SOAR-Data comes with language annotations (from a VLM), 5 commanded subgoal images generated by SuSIE during one episode, and a task success label predicted by the VLM. SOAR-Data is similar in size compared to other current robotic datasets, but is collected under much smaller time frames (in a matter of weeks) with minimal human effort in the loop. As SOAR-Data consists both of failure and success trajectories, contains diverse scenes and objects, includes language instructions and subgoal images, and is collected with a publicly available low-cost robotic arm, we hope it will be a useful resource for offline reinforcement learning research. See for instructions on how to download the data.


    title={Autonomous Improvement of Instruction Following Skills via Foundation Models},
    author={Zhiyuan Zhou and Pranav Atreya and Abraham Lee and Homer Walke and Oier Mees and Sergey Levine},
    journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:407.20635},